Tuesday, December 21, 2004

A problem : A solution

In some building couple of companies under same management had their offices. Each floor had two western style toilets - one for males, one for females; for past couple of years. There hadn't been many females in entire building, a dozen or so at all the three floors.

One day the receptionist on ground floor found a male using the ladies toilet and questioned him on this. She got to learn that many people did the same. Her response was that she would raise the matter even if the owner of the companies acted same way.

Don't know what happened further, but some days later saw the ground floor ladies toilet labelled as gents toilet.

That receptionist no longer works in any company in that building.

1 comment:

infernalproteus said...

*shock* are you talking about the company I used to work for and the building it used to be in ?