Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bio-engineering gives hopes to people with damaged body parts

Came across a hopeful article in Pune Times of India yesterday about bio-engineering body organs in lab and successful implanting (Bio-engineered bladders successful in patients, lab grown bladders an important step in replacing diseased tissues and organs). This took me down the memory lane some 4-5 years back when I had come across a some small news article about possibility of human organs grown in lab, after which I had talked to a friend about possibility of getting a good liver in future, something that my friend had spoiled thanks to habit of drinking in youth.

Many many years before, I used to wonder if we could have some medicines or potions - potable or sprayable at affected parts, that could be used to make the cut organ grow again, something similar as it happens in plants, something similar that happens in foetus development stage - a cell starts multiplying to generate a particular organ. These kind of advancements generate the hope that it will also be possible in near future.