Saturday, August 15, 2009

Now spams on mobile too

Have been getting telemarketing category of spam SMSes for quite some time and getting used to those. However spam category of spam SMSes have started giving competition to telemarketers these days, like the following SMS that I got few minutes back. It goes like

Number: TM-SPDC UK
Congratulations! You have won $3,000,000 in this year's Shell Mobile Draw with pin SPDC-IN. To claim, e-mail your pin to Rev. Williams on:

Registering in NDNC (National Do Not Call) registery or DND (Do Not Disturb) lists of service providers has resulted in lesser number of advertisement calls, and at times when you tell the telemarketeer lady about your NDNC/DND registration, they are prompt to end the call and often take care to update their database(hopefully) about whom to call and not call.

What about the Junk/Unwanted SMSes? High time that technology upgrades are made to detect SMSes sent in bulk at service provider end (and in handset?) and marking those as spam in mobile inbox. May be, we need to add some new header bits/bytes in SMS protocol for this and move on to SMS v3.0, sooner the better.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Is colour of halo around moon a warning sign?

Last night I was startled by the colour of halo around moon. I have seen brownish and greyish halo around moon many times since childhood, especially during winters, that is taken as an indication of dewfall. But this was greenish in colour.

Later around midnight, there was storm with rains.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Expansion of GOD

Well... well... it is not about omnipresence of GOD is, but whether can it be a short form indicating something about the forces that run this Shristi. Till few weeks back I also did not know it, even I had never dreamed that the word GOD could also be an acronym.

Few months back I had attended a monthly meeting at R.I.M.Y.I.  where for past few months Geeta Jee (daughter of Yog Guru B.K.S. Iyengar) is attempting to explain meaning of Bhagwat Gita adhyaay by adhyaay, each adhyaay (chapter) normally taking couple of meetings even when touching at the surface. It is where I first heard of Trinity in GOD.

Generator (Karta Brahma)

Organiser (Bharta Vishnu)

Destroyer (Harta Mahesh)

Our ancestors hid lot of knowledge, atleast mystical, in easy to remember words and verses so that it could easily be carried forward unaltered, and hoping that someday someone could(would) decipher it and know what all they had learned then. Still there could be much more than what meets the eye.