Monday, May 21, 2007

Back from hibernation

Wow! time runs soooooo faaaaast! It is already more than an year since I accessed this blog last. And so much has changed here in past year. The new look of blogger is cool, atleast the font (as it appears in Mozilla) in this text window look pretty and soft.

Had thought of starting scrabbling here once in a while again, in past couple of months, but it kept on going down the stack time and again. I think Stella Roy deserves the credit for me posting this entry. I don't know, how and when she picked up my email address from wherever, but got an email from her in my mailbox mentioning about her new blog postings. You know the way you get spam mails these days, so I was very apprehensive to open the email first and then click the links mentioned therein. I am here, as I checked the link details a bit before clicking and found it could be tried. Moreso, mail contents didn't look like from a usual spambot, bit of collegian style around this part of Maharashtra (I was wondering, but her blog about religion being a reason for being denied a place to stay in Mumbai, cleared it all). Luckily I had remembered my earlier blogger account name/password, so could get in without much hassles and followed the googlinking process.

Attention spammers: Somehow get on her mailing list or whatever it is, to get notified of her new posts and then you will have some masaala to train your spambots or atleast yourselves.


Stella said...

Hi friend,

Thanks for acknowledging my effort. I would like to talk to you on something that I couldn't understand in your blog. If you dont mind can you come on orkut. My orkut id is stella roy. Right now I am on orkut.


-Stella Roy

ik said...

What is it that you want to speak about? Please feel free to drop a line here. I am not an orkutter.